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We are the team at Island Fish & Scale

We are a team of marine life professionals that design, build and maintain custom aquariums for our pet families far and wide across New York, from businesses to beautiful homes.

We are also animal-lovers and pet parents, first and foremost. Meet our team and how caring for their own animals led them to their journey at Island Fish and Scale.


Founder, CEO and Head Fish Guardian

Originally starting out with taking care of "Goldy" the Goldfish with an under-gravel filter, Ryan quickly took to the hobby and expanded his goldfish tank to a 29 gallon saltwater aquarium where his love for reef keeping began. Ryan's favorite part of his job is anything aquarium related. From starting at a young age to working on them everyday, Ryan loves anything related. Ryan's favorite fish is the Anthias but also loves Pufferfish. A long term goal for the company is continuing his love for the hobby and finding the right people for the right fish.


Chief of Installation Lead Service Technician

Originally starting his first aquarium at 6 years old, Jay has been around aquariums his entire life. When asked for his long term goal for the company, he wants to pass on his work and knowledge when he can no longer do so. His favorite part of his job is taking care of the animals and seeing them happy. His favorite fish is the Mandarin Goby but also loves the look of the Yellow Tang.


Senior Service Technician In-House Facility Manager

Calen is passionate about maintaining salt and freshwater aquariums both his own and for our various fish families. He is dedicated to the wellbeing of each type of setup and its inhabitants he encounters, giving significant time to each. He is married to Alexa Hoffman, who shares his passion for caring for nature at Bethpage State Park. Calen and Alexa are the proud parents of Blitz, their beloved dog and Guppy, their cat, who brings joy and companionship to their household.


Head of Operations and Technology

Once upon a time, there was a betta fish in a sad little cup with a lid in a Petco that caught Kinza’s eye. Reading up all night on how to best take care of your very first fish, she went back to the store and brought home her first aquatic pet who would be known as “Ford” for the next 8 years it adorned in each home Kinza lived in. From there on, her love for fish transitioned to saltwater and reef-keeping exclusively, combined with her love for the oceans, whales and coral reefs all around the world. She currently is the proud Mom of a 90-gallon mixed reef, a beautiful African Gray Parrot full of personality as well as a gorgeous Lab-mix, Otto, two wonderful cats, Bugs and Lola, a spunky lizard named Fiona and lots of beautiful fish at Island Fish and Scale.


Assistant Technician In-House Facility Caretaker

One of our newest employees, Jake, is an ambitious reef keeper who loves every part of his job. He experiences new things every day and believes there is never a dull moment on the job. Jake's favorite fish is the Copper band Butterfly. His goal is to have a positive impact on the aquarium industry one day at a time.


Student Ambassador In-House Facility Caretaker

Our high school intern, Beckett, is an aspiring reef keeper who wants to learn more everyday. While studying at Walt Whitman High School, Beckett is researching Coral Spawning and how to successfully initiate this phenomenon in your home aquarium. On top of his school project, he is learning how to breed clownfish at home. Beckett's favorite fish is the Bicolor Angelfish and loves to learn more about keeping aquariums and turning his favorite hobby into a career.
Our Beginnings and Story
With Island Fish and Scale being in its 7th year of business, take a trip down memory lane with us to see the where it all started and our plans for what’s next.

To scale his love for fish and all things saltwater aquariums, Ryan continued on from working at long standing local pet stores such as Pet Stop, places which inspired him to build his own business

With humble beginnings, the current Shop Floor was only a fraction of the entire space it is today. During Covid, the shed became a collaborative project which turned into the Aquarium Gallery which has now since become a mainstay for the Shop Floor and expanded to include a 1200 gallon Megatank!

In 2021, an unfortunate fire took brought Island Fish and Scale to an abrupt stop where the lives of several fish and corals were lost. The local fish community came together in this time of great loss and helped Ryan and team build it all back together brick by brick to shape the cherished Shop floor it is today.